Discover how your unique physiology shapes your identity and path to thriving
Defiantly an interesting topic, might have to look into it myself (or pick your brains some)
Definitley worth it and quite fascinating. I will be interested to see what it would say about your connection the woods!!
Utterly fascinating and something I’ve always wondered about. Deeply resonated with me so I’m definitely going to go find out more.
Ah glad that you like it Steve. It is utterly fascinating and goes really deep which is fascinating because it really all is in your biology!
Defiantly an interesting topic, might have to look into it myself (or pick your brains some)
Definitley worth it and quite fascinating. I will be interested to see what it would say about your connection the woods!!
Utterly fascinating and something I’ve always wondered about. Deeply resonated with me so I’m definitely going to go find out more.
Ah glad that you like it Steve. It is utterly fascinating and goes really deep which is fascinating because it really all is in your biology!