The Sacred Wild
The Sacred Wild Podcast
The Wise Woman's Way: Tap into the Ancient Wisdom of Plants and Earth

The Wise Woman's Way: Tap into the Ancient Wisdom of Plants and Earth

Tap into the Ancient Wisdom of Plants and Earth with Sanne Giesen

Hi everyone, welcome to another episode of the Sacred Wild Podcast! I'm thrilled to bring you today's guest, the wonderful Sanne Giesen. Sanne is a nature-based somatic coach, herbalist, and author who embodies the archetype of the modern wise woman. Our conversation was a beautiful exploration of reconnecting to ourselves and nature, tapping into the healing power of plants, and reclaiming ancient earth-based wisdom.

Sanne's journey into this work began with her own health struggles, which led her back to the restorative embrace of the natural world. She shared fascinating insights on how nature acts as a master regulator for our nervous systems, helping us find safety and wholeness. We explored practical ways to connect with nature, even in urban environments, the magic of herbal medicine as a path for healing and growth, and how aligning with natural rhythms can be a profound spiritual practice. Sanne's perspective is rooted in science, psychology, and embodied wisdom - a potent combination that I found deeply enriching.

Here are some of the key takeaways from our conversation:

  • Nature is the master regulator of our nervous systems, helping us feel safe, whole, and able to access a full range of human emotions and experiences

  • Reestablishing a loving relationship with nature is crucial not only for our own wellbeing, but for our ability to care for the earth and each other

  • Even in cities, we can attune to the nature that surrounds us - the plants pushing through cracks in the sidewalk, the migrating birds overhead, the phases of the moon

  • Herbal medicine is a powerful tool for healing and transformation, especially when we connect directly with the plants as our teachers and allies

  • Aligning with natural rhythms like the seasons and cycles of light/dark can be a profound spiritual practice that grounds us in something bigger than ourselves

Some of my favorite soundbites:

"I deeply feel that coming back to ourselves and coming back to nature are intertwined." (1:29)

"Nature helps us to feel calmer, feel less pain, feel more focused - it boosts our immune system." (6:00)

"We care for what we love. That's my core mission - to reestablish that sense of connection and love for nature." (22:31)

"We as humans are deeply spiritual beings. When we go outside and take time to slow down and connect with nature, spiritual experiences happen - every single time." (42:06)


You can find me online at and on Instagram @krishsurroy.

As always, thank you so much for listening and being part of the Sacred Wild community. Until next time, take good care and remember - your wild essence is waiting to be reclaimed.

I always love hearing your reflections! How do you connect with nature in your daily life? What part of this conversation resonated with you? Leave a comment and let me know.

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The Sacred Wild
The Sacred Wild Podcast
As the world gets busier, more urban and technology driven, more and more people are feeling cut off from the natural world, community, other people...and themselves. All while climate change and ecological degradation continue.
On the Sacred Wild Podcast, we explore our relationship with the 'more than Human' world, with the ecosystem and ultimately with ourselves and our own personal growth.
We speak with activists, spiritual teachers, creatives, indigenous people and wellbeing experts to see how can come back into balance and ultimately become more healthy, whole and happy.