The Sacred Wild
The Sacred Wild Podcast
Spiritual eclecticism and the importance of being grounded (with Laura Adrian)

Spiritual eclecticism and the importance of being grounded (with Laura Adrian)

Many of us walk through life constantly searching for the "answer" or the next thing to make us feel better, only to feel disappointed when our problems don't go away.

Laura Adrian has walked this path, and found a way to make it work for her. Through working with Nature to support her personal healing and growth, Laura now teaches the importance of embodiment and being grounded.

Grounded in mindfulness, meditation and yoga, Laura now teaches nature connection and takes people into the wild so that they can gain perspective and transform how we they see themselves and our participation in the world.

In this podcast we talk about:

  • How your individual eclecticism can show you where to go next

  • Recognising what keeps you grounded

  • The benefits of being guided through nature to discover yourself

  • Discover how to open your heart to the benefits of nature

  • How to stay connected to nature when you live in a 'concrete jungle'

  • Example visualisations for grounding

  • How and why to go out into wild nature

About this week's guest:

Laura Adrian is a yogini and meditator who finds beauty, awe, and inspiration by directly connecting to the Earth whether in a city park or wilderness expedition. She offers retreats and expeditions where she shares her adventurous spirit with seasoned adventurers or nature curious folks. Through these experiences, she has encouraged hundreds of women to develop wilderness skills, challenge themselves, and develop a more beautiful relationship with the natural world.

Social links

Website | Instagram

Check Laura out on @wholelifeelevation and

The Sacred Wild
The Sacred Wild Podcast
As the world gets busier, more urban and technology driven, more and more people are feeling cut off from the natural world, community, other people...and themselves. All while climate change and ecological degradation continue.
On the Sacred Wild Podcast, we explore our relationship with the 'more than Human' world, with the ecosystem and ultimately with ourselves and our own personal growth.
We speak with activists, spiritual teachers, creatives, indigenous people and wellbeing experts to see how can come back into balance and ultimately become more healthy, whole and happy.